It's Here!


My very own personal copy of Cleo Magazine arrived in the mail from Australia today!  

MerCurios along with fourteen other Etsy sellers are featured in the article titled "What's Now" - "15 Reasons we Heart Etsy" on page 72 of the September 2010 issue.

Cleo Magazine - September 2010 002.jpg
cleo magazine - september 2010 001.jpg

The Double Finger Crystal Quartz Ring that you see on the bottom left - that's ours!  Our International sales have always been good.  However, once this article hit newsstands, it's like someone turn on the flood gates. 

Did I mention YOU can have your very own version of the featured quartz ring for FREE?  Way before Cleo requested samples MerCurios teamed up with the savvy fashion blog Fashion Clique to bring one lucky reader this very ring.  Interested?  You can find all the details here.  But hurry, this contest ends on August 31, 2010.

Many thanks to Jessica of Fashion Clique for making sure MerCurios got a copy of the oh so coveted Magazine. xoxo.